Hello my readers (if there are any of you left out there!), it's the bad bad blogger trying to make another attempt to breath some life back in to this blog. What can I say, I've been inspired and I feel like writing so what the heck right?
Let's see, what has happened in the past 3 months since my last post....... umm, 2010 is here! LOL It's not all that much different from 2009 so far. Well, maybe it is a little different. I did decide to leave my boyfriend after being with him for 10 years. It was NOT an easy decision, especially with the kids involved, but things had been bad for a really long time and a change was definitely needed. It's been an ok experience so far, we've been working together to make it as easy on everyone as possible.
Let's see what is going on with me.... oh I lost 10lbs so far this year! It doesn't seem like much over 3 months, but I'm pretty excited, and now that it seems like spring is on it's way and it is warmer outside I'll be able to get out there and do some walking and shed more faster! WOOHOO! I'm not following any fad diets, trust me, in my life time I've tried them all and they just don't work for me! I'm doing this the old fashion way, counting my calorie intake, changing my eating habits by eating more good for me stuff and less bad. It's been working out ok, and I feel a heck of a lot better too! I just hope I can keep it up and go the distance with it this time. :)
Ok, kid update.... Preston is still a barrel of monkeys, he gets more funny by the day and smart too!!! Robbie is still a sweet lil smart ass, soon we will be registering him for school in the fall! I don't know were the time went, but in two weeks he's going to be 5! WOW! Xavier is doing well in school, just brought home his report card yesterday, mostly straight A's with a few B's thrown in there; one of which I am arguing only because there is no explanation as to what he is and is not doing... how can he improove if he doesn't know what is wrong? I dunno, we'll see what happens there. I think he has decided to try baseball this spring instead of soccer, we'll see about that too, first I wanna see if he can even throw or catch a ball hahaha Oh, and he just recently turned 8! I know, I still can't believe I have an 8 year old either!
As far as my craftiness goes it hasn't been going much at all this winter. So discouraging since the winter is usually my time to catch up on the previous years scrapping. I have been more in to making things to put around the home. I made a few family signs as Christmas gifts for some family members and then decided I should probably make some things for myself too rather than always just giving my creations away. LOL I'll be posting pictures of these creations soon... maybe even as soon as tonight, who knows, but I promise they will be posted! For now, I need to finish up a little bit of housework I started so I can spend the rest of the afternoon being crafty!!!
Happy Scrappin' My Friends.... enjoy this beautiful spring-like day!