Thursday, January 15, 2009

I am so excited and motivated!

Like most people every year I resolve to shed those extra pounds and become a healthier person in the new year, and again like most people I fail miserably. Well I have found a website that has given me hope and has really motivated me to give it a real try this year.

The website is called Calorie Count ( ) and it is just awesome! You can track everything you eat, and everything you do... it'll tell you how many calories you've eaten and how many you've burned.... it does all the hard work of figuring and writing things down for you! Pretty cool eh?

My favorite part of this website are the tools, the BMI calculator, and the Calorie target just to name a few. The calorie target is cool, you just put in your weight, and your goal weight and it figures out a reasonable time frame and what your calorie intake should be and even gives you suggestions on what activities to do to help burn those calories. Mine gave me a date of March 10th 2010 which I thought a little more than a year was amazing considering I want to lose 90lbs!!! That's when I got excited and said, "I really want to do this!"

So far I've just been counting the calories and getting used to what my intake is..... suprisingly it's not that much higher than my goal intake, so really I just need to step up the exercise plan (which it's starting me off at 13 minutes of walking or 9 minutes of cycling a day... c'mon who can't fit that in right?), and choose some better for me foods and I should be rockin' it! They've got a good set of fourms set up too, I found a lot of great tips on how to get over my vegetable phobia! haha

So anyone who is like me, and has been trying to lose weight for years, practically my whole life and has done nothing but fail, KEEP TRYING! You never know when you are going to find that something, that's gona motivate you like you've never been motivated before!

Good Luck!

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